A massive thank you to all parents and carers who supported their child at our Progress and Achievement event on 22nd April 2015. We are finding these events extremely beneficial as a means of communicating the next steps to pupils and this is reinforced by the 80%+ of pupils making outstanding progress in English and Maths as well as an opportunity to celebrate other subject areas where they have achieved success. At the Spring Term Progress and Achievement event we managed to see 53.3% of parents/carers, which is an improvement of 1% on the Autumn Term event. Here are the top performing groups:

Year 9a       100%
Year 8b       75%
Year 7b       66%

In addition to this we launched our “Structured Conversations” pilot which is an innovative way of raising parental aspiration for their child and providing parents/carers the voice to problem solve the reasons why their child may not be making at least good progress and what those barriers are/have been to progress.

Let’s end with a bang and celebrate your child’s success TOGETHER at our next Progress and Achievement event taking place on Wednesday 15th July 2015.

Have a look at what parents/carers have said about our school during the Spring Term 2015 in our recent parental questionnaire. Spring Term 2014-2015 Progress and Achievement Event satisfaction survey new.