2018-04-08-PHOTO-00004780During the Easter vacation Mr Lee Cross, (Deputy Headteacher), decided to surprise Mrs Whittlestone (Science Lead Teacher) by taking the long drive from Shropshire to a farm in Coventry to re-home some ex battery hens to enhance the school environment and meet the requests by school council to reinstate more animals within the school. Mr Cross had some support from his youngest son, Beau, aged 5, to pick the four lucky hens to be a part of the Elmwood School community. All the hens had their own personality that represented the staff and pupils extremely well, but were all looking extremely tired and unkept. This is the start of their journey to becoming healthy, happy hens who will receive lots of room to roam, cuddles from stafIMG_4490f and pupils and friendship from Chubs (Elmwood School Rabbit). Mr Cross is looking to bring the hens to school after the May half term providing plenty of time for the staff and pupils to repair and secure the chicken house. Photographs of our new arrivals are available on the photo gallery page of the website. Watch out for additional photos tracking their journey. For more information about re-homing ex battery hens please visit http://www.bhwt.org.uk/.