Daniel Caines (Youth Sport Trust and Sky Sports Living Ambassador) visited Elmwood on 17th May 2017 to complete a series of workshops spanning three years of involvement with the School. His sessions were to re-visit the “6 Keys to Success” specifically around the Schools drive to support individual resilience and having a “Growth Mindset”. It also acted as a farewell celebration as the partnership between the Youth Sport Trust and Sky Sports has come to an end after fourteeen successful years in breaking down barriers and raising self esteem and self worth.

IMG_1280Daniel has become an integral part of the Elmwood family and we will miss his input in raising aspirations, recently done through the following video link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3N3MjUmSeJw&app=desktop. It was especially pleasing for staff and pupils to see Daniel in his first race (age 15yrs old) and how his journey developed  through the “6 Keys to Success” and culminated in his greatest honour………… completing one of the Schools Cross-fit challenges (Brown Belt – Loan Wolf) in a very respectful time of 6 minutes 55 seconds.  This inspired other pupils to overcome their own challenges and achieve them in front of Daniel , what a sense of achievement! Pictures of Daniel’s performance can be found on the photo gallery page of the website.