It  is Children’s Mental health Week, w/c 1.2.21. This year’s theme is “Express yourself”.
To celebrate Children’s Mental health Week we are going to hold a “dress to express” day in school on Thursday 4th February. Feel good Friday will be also on expressing yourself. 
The “dress to express” day is an opportunity where pupils can wear something bright, colourful or expressive for the day. Further information is in the flyer below. There will be a class challenge on which class or pupil comes to school in the most expressive outfits. 
There is a fundraising element to the week and if would be fantastic if you would like to donate. As you will see within the pack that there is information on where the money raised goes. For example £50 raised could go toward paying for a child to have 50 minute counselling session. Donations can be given in at the office.  There is no expectation for the children to bring in a donation on Thursday unless they would like to. 
We look forward to seeing those expressive outfits!